
Not quite a pump, not quite a boot..... But super cute and great with my trouser pants.
We got a few gift cards for Christmas so we went to Longhorn. I have not been there in YEARS. They have a grilled rainbow trout that has lemon and olive oil on it. It actually tasted pretty fresh and it was seasoned well.... Not loaded with buttah!!!!

We had ever intention of going "out on the town," (and by that I mean, actually going to a movie that is not an early matinée showing. This did not happen. We ended up visiting our friend Blue Box in our local Publix. I love renting movies. I can stay in my PJ's, under my covers, and I can ask Clay all the questions I want, without disturbing ANYONE =) Well, sometimes he has to hit "pause" so that he can actually pay attention to my question, but he listens, nevertheless. Date night this week was relaxing. Work was very busy this week, so I enjoyed being out of the house with Clay.
This morning, I am training two friends of mine at the gym. We are going to do a cardio circuit, followed by a core circuit. I have a long run today at 9:00am, so I plan on hitting the stationary bike or working upper body. Today's long run is 7-8miles. My friend Courtney and I are going to see how we feel. Both of us had a race in November and have slacked off, or "taken a break," in December.... TIME TO KICK IT INTO GEAR!!! I have a half marathon in March, in which, I am hoping to qualify for NYC Marathon in November. I need to go map out my run for today, so I must go.... But I leave you with this.... To help myself get out of bed in the morning to run, I sleep in my running shorts =) Getting ready is half way finished.... Not the most attractive PJ's, but lingerie is over rated sometimes!!!!

(I purposefully cut off my toes... this "frigged winter" that is hitting Florida right now KILLS my motivation to keep cute feet).
QUESTION: What are you guys doing for New Year's Eve tonight????
Go Bethany...so excited to hear about your NYC goal. :-)