I am officially graduated. I start at a nearby hospital in a critical care rotation program for new nurses. I have mixed feelings about this; you see, nurses eat their young. I have had very little encouragement about entering this program. So many nurses that I have met have actually said, "Wow, that is a terrible idea." Many believe that nurses should spend time on a regular floor before working in a critical care unit. I am not telling them that they are wrong. I can definitely see how working in a "non critical" area could be quite helpful. However, there are not many openings for GRADUATE nurses. The world thinks that nurses can always get jobs; sure, if you have already been working as a nurse. I found a "GRADUATE NURSE" internship and applied. Am I trying to say that I am better than other nurses? NO. Do I think I know more than other nurses? HECK NO. Am I completely thrilled that the graduate internship HAPPENS to be in an area that I am really excited about? YES !!!!! Obviously, if graduate nurses were failing miserably in this program, it would not exist. So to all of you who are going to be negative and discouraging to a brand new nurse, cheers. Relax. We all start somewhere. Every area is difficult for a beginner.
To my beloved "B" I just happened onto your blog and I have tears streaming down my face! I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of you! It is exciting to watch you and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!