Ok, so recently I have been reintroduced to MUSICALS. I love the new show GLEE (warning: there are some inappropriate sexual comments made sometime, so for any kid/parent reading, I do not recommend it for all ages). I miss high school choir. I miss harmonizing. I hope one day Clay will have the patience to pick a song for us to sing together. He is an amazing singer. I would only feel worthy to sing back up for him... but I would LOVE to.

Also, I have recently been motivated by the show Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels may be a little rough around the edges on the show, but these people did not sign up to be pampered. They need serious help and she knows how to get them to work hard. She also knows her science. She studies endocrinology (which I want to specialize in) and she likes physics (I have a physics minor)... ok, so that might not be what is making her the most amazing trainer on the face of this earth, but I am a huge fan of hers for many of these reasons =)
Also, I have to add that I have had to cut my marathon training down big time lately. You see, I am about to graduate. I just got married. I have two part time jobs (sort of), I am a youth pastor's wife... There are so many things going on right now. I was not sleeping. I was waking up super early so that I could get a run/work out in and I was dreading it. Fortunately, my husband is amazing and pointed out where my time was going. I did not cut out fitness completely, but I decreased my intensity. I am loving the break; however, I am more motivated than ever to hit the gym hard once I can put the hours in again...
Also, I have had recent HAIR WOES: Here is an email I had to send to a friend....
So a few months ago I went to this great salon, the Edge by Mystic Hair, and they did a fabulous job. However, I paid way more than I can continue to pay. I got a short hair cut (which I love) but it requires more upkeep (trimming....blah). Anyways, I went to Fantastic Sams today and I left somewhat disappointed...duh. They did an OK job, but I just wanted more shape. Anyways, after my mental breakdown, Clay said I should just call you. I would love to just work something out with you next time. I need to re-build my cash fund for hair, but then I'd so much rather pay you straight up cash than pay someone who I do not know, who only receives a tiny piece of what I give. I was just wondering what you would charge and if you could maybe do mine in about a month or so??? I'd greatly appreciate it. My hair WAS like Jamie Eason's hair cut... now, thanks to not-so-Fantastic Sams, it's a bit off... oh well. I'll survive =) THANKS !!!

These were all my new thoughts this week... I have a huge midterm next week, so I must buckle down now...
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